Sunday, January 4, 2015

OLW 2015- Inspire

One Little Word- OLW

Wow!  I have been challenged by a dear friend to choose one little word for 2015.  As I sit here thinking about what word could be for me in 2015, I have reflected on the past year and what I feel might be missing or what could help to make the year or years to come better.   I am one to not only worry about myself, but those around me who are near and dear to my heart.  I wanted one word that could not only make a difference for me, but others.


I decided to choose the word inspire.  As a teacher, I feel that inspiring others is something that I do without knowing that I am doing it.  So maybe, 2015 should be the year where I am more aware of how I inspire myself and others.  As 2014 ended, like many, I sat thinking about what I could change in 2015.  Of course I ended up with a list of goals and challenges.  After seeing the list, I had to motivate myself to make changes.  Now that we are four days into 2015, I have to admit that I have already had to inspire myself to keep with changes.  I also am inspired by others.  Sometimes a tough situation or tough day inspires me to change, improve, or reflect.  As I head back to work tomorrow, I want to inspire myself, my friends around me, and of course my students.

Happy New Year everyone!



  1. Welcome to the blogging world and celebration Saturday. Inspire is a wonderful word filled with promise of good things to come. Have a great day back tomorrow.

  2. Tyson, this is a good word for inspire me!
